Whether you work with the paints or the protractors, every artist, architect, engineer, and draftsperson needs a place just for them where they can get things done, and for many, that place is a studio. Exactly where that studio can be or how far you travel to get to it often varies widely among artists depending on what each one chooses to do, but even if you go great lengths to plant a building or find the perfect place to paint, it doesn't mean studio equipment should be equally as hard to find. On the contrary, if you're thinking of adding or updating a studio of some kind in your home or office, we have exactly what you need to get started right here!
Drafting Tables

Every artist needs a good surface to work on. Sometimes its a sidewalk or the side of a building, or even on old fashioned
office desk configurations or tables, but that approach doesn't work for everyone. Many artists, especially architects and engineers need a smooth, stable, often adjustable surface for them to get the job done right. For them, nothing is better than professional drafting tables and craft stations for their studio. These high tech tables are fabulous for all artists as they can be angled up or down so as to not distort the image they are working on. Additionally, this great feature also alleviates back pain, lifting artists back into their comfortable task chairs instead of forcing them to lean over a desk. Some tables even come with sliding drawers to hold drafting accessories and side shelves that can support books or computer screens. If you're an architect that works with multiple schematics and needs to view how everything will fit together, quality light tables like the Mayline Ranger Steel Drafting Table and tables with glass surfaces that can be lighted underneath allow you to see through many overlapping images at once.
Mobile Carts

Anyone who knows an artist or has ever even taken a class in art knows how insanely expensive art supplies can be, and that supplies can get everywhere. Fortunately though, there are devices that can hold all these supplies, where ever you want them to, and they don't cost nearly as much all those paints and boxes of expensive artist markers. Sometimes
contemporary office tables can't support everything. For everything else, welcome to the world of mobile carts: the artist's greatest assistant! If you're in need of a place where you can keep all your artsy stuff at arm's reach, that can also be rolled into a closet when not in use, mobile carts are the things for you. These babies come with built-in pockets, shelves, and even cup holders for your much needed coffee - I mean, paint water cups - and various sizes mean they can potentially hold just about everything you need. For draftspersons, affordable utility carts like the Mayline Eastwinds High Wire Cart can be everything from
file trucks to printer stands, while roll file carts (great for both artists and draftspeople) can hold rolled-up sketches, schematics, and blueprints neatly in one place. Any of these great devices will be happy to go the distance, not just for you, but for the sake of keeping your studio clean and organized!

Whether you use if for holding paint boxes, art books, sculptures, drafting equipment, hard hats, or even old artwork, there's no question about it: artists need a lot of storage space. The problem with needing a lot of storage space though is that sometimes, we don't always have enough space for storage space. If your studio is tight on square footage and you find yourself stacking things in corners, choosing shelving is a choice you'll never regret. Setting up shelving solutions along walls and in closets is a fabulous way to maximize the storage capacity of a room without actually having to knock out a wall to expand it. Additionally, if you'd rather not get up out of breathable mesh back chairs to go grab things from your shelves, there are plenty of mobile shelving configurations that can be rolled around a room, sort of like a big utility cart! Good shelving can come in the form of sturdy welded wire constructions or in the form of stylish wall cabinets or even
executive style bookcases, but either one will get the job done with ease!
Cabinets and Additional Storage

Believe it or not, most art teachers don't recommend tossing finished art pieces even if the artist doesn't like them. Keeping old work is important for many reasons, from curing a lack of inspiration to backing up copies of blueprints if you're an architect or engineer. Still, finding a place to keep all this artwork where it wont get frayed or destroyed can be a difficult task, but you don't have to toss your masterpieces for the sake of keeping a clean studio anymore. Say hello to the plan file and flat file cabinets, one of the best furniture options a creative person can make! Plan file and flat files are wonderful ways to keep artwork flattened out and safe from the world outside, while roll files keep pieces safely rolled up until their next use. Either of these can be stored against walls or in large closets and usually come with multiple drawers and often additional shelves for storage. For the rest of your studio supplies, stylish storage cabinets and
lateral file cabinets are much easier on the eyes. Available both
wood and metal storage cabinets can neatly store everything from boxes, to paints, utensils, accessories, and anything else you might need space for.
Stools and Chairs

One thing no artist or draftsperson should ever overlook is the importance of a good chair. Just like office workers, artists and draftspeople typically spend a great deal of time leaning over desks and tables to get bring their masterpieces to life. Unfortunately, this can bring on a lot of health problems as leaning over desks can cause a great deal of back pain. That's why we've saved the best for last! We know craftspeople often get up out of their chairs to move around their work as they complete it, which is what makes drafting stools such a great option for them. Adjustable
stools without backs and especially those with backs are great for artists because they are maneuverable, supportive, and durable, and popular modern stools are available in tons of materials, from vinyl, urethane, and leather stools to fabric stools and even mesh! However, artists that are more stationary tend to need a little more support while they work, which is why we recommend other options. Chairs, particularly ergonomic office chairs, are well known throughout the office furniture world for their incredible comfort and versatility, making them wonderful options for artists with back pain.